Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rebellious Children

Deuteronomy 22:18-21 If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father and mother, who does not heed them when they discipline him, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his town at the gate of that place. They shall say to the elders of his town, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard." Then all the men of the town shall stone him to death.

Talk about tough love! This passage is another perfect reading for Halloween. Any kids engaging in tricks rather than treats in your town? Instead of milky ways, give them some pop-rocks this year. ;)
So if you're under 18 and planning on getting eggs for some "fun" this halloween, make something out of it (see above) rather than risk getting stoned to death by townspeople.


  1. I wonder if they did this a lot, or if it was more of a threat parents used against their kids when they were not behaving like:

    Mom: "Eat your peas!"
    Mom: "Eat them or you will get stoned"

    Sadly that has a whole new meaning now.
